Weeping Beech Golf Club (WBGC) was founded in 2000 Organized as a “club without real estate” under the United States Golf Association (USGA), WBGC is authorized by the USGA to issue Handicap Indices to its members. WBGC is a member of the Golf Association of Philadelphia(GAP).
From its simple beginnings, the Club has grown to over 50 members and holds seven outings (including the club championship), a match-play tournament, and a Monday Night League (9-holes) each year. Additionally, many members meet regularly for fellowship and golf.
Each November the membership elects a Board of Directors (President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary) to conduct club operations with five committees (Membership, Tournament, Handicap, Communications, and Social/Fellowship). Members are encouraged to serve the Club in one of the committees. Members may also run for one of the offices during the elections held at the Annual Banquet and Dinner Meeting (November).
Please email any questions you many have regarding the Club and Club Membership to the membership@WeepingBeechGolf.org.